Ordinary Meeting of Council













 9 JULY 2014





Ordinary Council MEETING AGENDA

  9 JULY 2014 




Item  Subject                                                                                                                            Page No.


Table of Contents.................................................................................................................... 2


1.1      Leave of Absence

2.        Deputations

2.1      Scott Buchholz MP, Federal Member for Wright

3.        Condolences/Get Well Wishes

4.        Declaration of any Material personal interests/conflicts of interest by councillors and senior council officers

5.        Confirmation of Minutes

5.1      Confirmation of Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 25 June 2014

6.        Mayoral Minute

7.        Committee Reports

8.        Business Arising from Minutes

9.        Executive Office Reports

10.     Governance and Performance Reports

10.1   Executive Manager Governance & Performance Monthly Update

10.2   2014 Australian Local Government Women's Association State Conference

11.     Organisational Development and Engagement Reports

11.1   Executive Manager Organisational Development & Engagement

11.2   Multicultural And Youth Engagement Report

12.     Corporate and Community Services Reports

12.1   Review and Update of Council Policies - Sundry Debt Collection and Recovery; Rates and Charges Debt Collection and Recovery

12.2   Lockyer Valley Darts Association - Proposed Permanent Shelter Shed, Ferrari Park, Laidley

12.3   Executive Manager Corporate and Community Services Monthly Update

13.     Planning and Development Services Reports

13.1   Call to Arms 2014

13.2   Executive Manager Planning & Development Services Monthly Update

13.3   Queensland Urban Utilities (QUU) Progress Report

14.     Infrastructure Works and Services Reports

14.1   Executive Manager Infrastructure Works and Services Monthly Update

15.     Items for information

1.         Leave of Absence

1.1                                          Leave of Absence


Date:                                      03 July 2014

Author:                                  Ian Flint, Chief Executive Officer

Responsible Officer:           Ian Flint, Chief Executive Officer

File No:                                  Formal Papers       




Officer’s Recommendation:

THAT Leave of Absence be granted to Cr Friend due to Annual Leave. 








1 Page


Leave of Absence

Attachment 1




Ordinary Council MEETING AGENDA

  9 JULY 2014 


2.         Deputations

2.1                                          Scott Buchholz MP, Federal Member for Wright


Date:                                      03 July 2014

Author:                                  Ian Flint, Chief Executive Officer

Responsible Officer:           Ian Flint, Chief Executive Officer

File No:                                  Formal Papers       


Officer's Recommendation

THAT at 11.00 am Scott Buchholz MP, Federal Member for Wright will address Council. 




3.         Condolences/Get Well Wishes

            No Condolences/Get Well Wishes reports




4.         Declaration of any Material personal interests/conflicts of interest by councillors and senior council officers

4.1         Declaration of Material Personal Interest on any Item of Business

Pursuant to Section 172 of the Local Government Act 2009, a councillor who has a material personal interest in an issue to be considered at a meeting of the local government, or any of its committees must –

(a)     inform the meeting of the councillor’s material personal interest in the matter; and

(b)     leave the meeting room (including any area set aside for the public), and stay out of the meeting room while the matter is being discussed and voted on.


 4.2         Declaration of Conflict of Interest on any Item of Business

Pursuant to Section 173 of the Local Government Act 2009, a councillor who has a real or perceived conflict of interest in a matter to be considered at a meeting of the local government, or any of its committees must inform the meeting about the councillor’s personal interest the matter and if the councillor participates in the meeting in relation to the matter, how the councillor intends to deal with the real or perceived conflict of interest.


5.         Confirmation of Minutes

5.1                                          Confirmation of Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 25 June 2014


Date:                                      4 July 2014

Author:                                  Ian Flint, Chief Executive Officer

Responsible Officer:           Ian Flint, Chief Executive Officer

File No:                                  Formal Papers       


Officer's Recommendation

THAT the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on the 25 June 2014 be hereby confirmed.  




6.         Mayoral Minute

No Mayoral Minute reports

7.         Committee Reports

No Receival of Committee Reports as Minutes reports

8.         Business Arising from Minutes

No Business Arising from Minutes reports

Ordinary Council MEETING AGENDA

  9 JULY 2014  


9.         Executive Office Reports

            No Executive Office Reports



10.       Governance and Performance Reports

10.1                                        Executive Manager Governance & Performance Monthly Update


Date:                                      04 July 2014

Author:                                  Jason Bradshaw, Executive Manager Governance & Performance

Responsible Officer:           Jason Bradshaw, Executive Manager Governance & Performance

File No:                                  Formal Papers       




This report is to update Council on the key issues currently being actioned.


Officer’s Recommendation:

THAT Council receive and note the Executive Manager Governance & Performance Monthly Update. 





1.         Introduction


This report provides an update on key matters arising and being addressed since the last report. 


2.         Background


The previous reports provide the background information to date and only progress is being reported for the month. 


3.         Report




A submission was finalised and forwarded to the Government in respect of the proposed Local Government Amendment Bill, supporting the views presented to Council. Additional legislation changes have been forwarded for comment and are under review.


Council has recently received additional material on changes to the operation of the new Crime and Conduct Commission. The impacts of these changes and training on the key aspects has been provided, with more in-house training planned for key staff. 


The revised Council Decision Making and Formal Meeting process has commenced with the project steering groups – intent and operation being workshopped by the ELT before the next meeting for further discussion with Council.



Significant effort has been directed towards finalising a range of EOI’s for Council property and buildings, the Regional Aquatic Centre, and the GWIZ EOI’s close on 23rd July.   

The Local Law review has been commenced with an initial sample of issues and understanding of where challenges lie, so that these can be planned for the right mechanism utilised. Understanding the interconnections between the Planning Scheme, Policy and Local Laws is critical in finding the best solutions available, and the simplest.



The independent review of Council’s sustainability from the internal auditor BDO Pty Ltd has been set aside for review with the current changes proposed in the budget 2014/15 to be included in this external review.



The internal workings on the Services Review has seen the completion of phase 1 into a draft form, to be presented to the Executive for review and sign off, which will then be referred to the project group and then Council workshops to progress to finalisation and the next phases.


The Operational Plan for 2014/15 is being finalised into a draft form for discussion with Council. In support of the budget prepared, there are limited new projects, many carried forward issues and a range completed from 2014 that have been finalised.


Significant effort has been consumed in managing the Landfill Monocell from the 2011 Flood event to have the work finalised for end of June. A range of variations are awaiting approval from QldRA, with finalisation pending the acceptance of these works.



Work continues on the development of the Delegations Register and with the submission and follow up of funding applications. Funding application lodged for the Australian Packaging Covenant, for littering and illegal dumping issues in partnership with Industry and the Community.


Waste - Everyone's Responsibility Draft Queensland Waste Avoidance and Resource Productivity Strategy (2014 - 2024)


·    A new Strategy developed by the Newman Government to produce a new document/approach after the removal of the Waste Levy.

·    A collaborative approach from all sectors of the waste industry.

·    The Strategy has 4 objectives:

Driving cultural change

Avoidance and minimisation

Reuse, recovery and recycling

Management, treatment and disposal.

·    The Strategy will be implemented through action plans and via the development of targets.

·    The Strategy doesn’t state if the targets will be mandatory or enforced.  The document relies heavily on organisations doing the right thing and stepping up to make the right decisions.

·    The Strategy talks about opportunities and priorities but provides no indication of any required changes.  Education and awareness raising appear to be the main tools the Group (authors) has chosen.

·    It states that the Government will provide support for the development of action plans, however, there is no discussion regarding implementation and who will pay for this or the changes in behaviour. 

·    The action plans will:

 Form an agreement between the sector/ organisation (e.g. LVRC) and the government on what will be done to contribute towards achieving the Strategy’s objectives and targets.

Outline the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders.

Detail how a sector / organisation will measure and publically report against its commitments.

·    Again, the questions remains – who will pay? Why would an organisation choose to make changes if they have not done this previously?

·    Regulatory and compliance requirements are unclear.

·    The document mentions “appropriate incentives” but gives no detail on what this might be or how it will be funded.

·    Data collection appears to be the only thing that the State is actually going to improve and enforce in this Strategy.

·    Sadly, this is an un-funded Strategy that reads well and sounds good but will probably not achieve very much.





Valley Voice


Worked on the week’s edition of Valley Voice. Distributed the page to Councillors and Customer Service and uploaded the page for print.

Mayor’s column

Put together the fortnightly Mayoral column for the Valley Weekender.

Sport and rec plan

The Sport and Rec Plan went before Council at the Ordinary Meeting of Council in June.

Laidley Multipurpose Sporting Centre

Continued to provide updates through Council publications. Began the process of taking photos throughout the stages of the project.

Community Facility Corflutes

Worked with Community Facilities to develop corflutes on the Grantham Butter Factory, Gatton Shire Hall and Laidley Cultural Centre. These signs will be designed in time for the two local shows.

Laidley Show

Putting together material which will be on display at the Gatton and Laidley Show including the mid term report.

Council meeting

Attended the meeting for June and put together a media release on the highlights from the meeting which included: Show time, Child Care facility expansion, Buying local, Helidon road needs to be addressed, Gatton Squash Club, Healthy Waterways, Community Reference Group, Sport and Recreation Plan and Support for Wandering Warriors.

Laidley CCTV

Put together a media release on the Laidley CCTV being installed and fully functional. Also worked with the QT to arrange a photo opportunity with the Mayor for this story.

Media Releases and media liasion


ü Withcott beautification pilot program takes shape

ü Resheeting work to get underway soon (works package 10H)

ü Floodway reconstruction work on Caffey Connection Road 

ü Lockrose Road North Floodway works set for September

ü First of the 2011 flood restoration projects complete

ü Organised Mayors message on River 949

ü Wrote media release on official opening of Woodlands Road flood warning sign

ü media release on naming of Grantham Butter Factory

ü media release on funding application for further flood emergency signs to be located throughout the  Lockyer Valley

ü Organised and attended press conference for Woodlands Rd flood emergency sign

ü Took video footage of sign opening including use of camera remotely from mobile devices.  Edited footage and sent off to Ch 7 in Brisbane and WIN Toowoomba.

ü Further edited footage and uploaded to Youtube and distributed via Facebook




ü Package 10H: Fords Road, Hanleys Road, Hoods Road, Lucks Road, Thomas Road, Penfolds Road.

ü Package 7B: Armstrongs Road, McLucas Road, Winwill Connection Road.

ü Caffey Connection Road Floodway

ü Lockrose Road North Floodway


NDRRA – Communication Strategies and other


ü Lockrose Road North Floodway

ü Caffey Connection Road Floodway

ü Visited Flagstone Creek Road slips and took current photos. Posted a photo and blurb on Facebook, reaching a total of 1150 people.

ü Visited Thistlethwaite Bridge, Grantham, and photographed the commencement of the piling work. Posted a photo and blurb on Facebook, reaching a total of 945 people.

ü Contributed to In the Loop with articles/photos on the 10,000 Steps Challenge, titled “Enjoying the challenge”, as well as an update on Thistlethwaite Bridge and photos.

ü A two-page feature is being planned for the Gatton Star in late July, to promote the end of the 2011 NDRRA works. Currently working on editorial for this feature, as well as collating photos of all projects. 

ü Wrote thank you to residents to as part of conclusion of 2011 works to appear on Council’s Facebook page.


History Book

Soft cover copies received and placed in Donation Shed

Hard copies to be received by the end of next week

Meeting scheduled with Cr Holstein to discuss launch of book


Mid-term report


Copies received

Placed on Council website and Facebook page

Mid-term report to be distributed at Gatton and Laidley Shows as well as Customer Service


Annual Report


Went through the Annual Report content from Disaster Management and highlighted the key projects required

Finalised concept design with Brio and downloaded final concept and template design

Wrote the majority of the introduction section and Statutory Information sections of the Annual Report

Organised and managed professional photo shoot for ELT for Annual Report




Took video footage of Graham McVean recording him telling his story into why and how he came up with the concept of the Queensland Transport Museum and well as where he would like to see it in the future.  Will also need to record Mayor telling his story and including some history on some of the vehicles on display.  Footage will be edited and used for a pre entry video to the QTM.




Wrote a blurb and sourced pictures Infrastructure Unit to use at the upcoming Laidley and Gatton Shows

Edited and put together footage showing the ongoing construction of the Aquatic Centre which will be used and shown at both the Laidley and Gatton Show


Internal Communication


In the Loop – July edition sent out to all staff

From the Water Cooler drafted and sent out

Ask the CEO a Question drafted

Current vacancies placed on ‘the Hub’

All staffer ‘Lappin’ around the Lake’

All staffer ‘Gatton Administration Building water’

CEO Announcement ‘ 2014/2015 Performance Reviews’


Online Review and Redevelopment project


Status report developed and provided to Steering Committee for discussion

Website audit was conducted by Trainee Kristy Browne, meetings were scheduled with various website stakeholders





10.2                                        2014 Australian Local Government Women's Association State Conference


Date:                                      08 July 2014

Author:                                  Jason Bradshaw, Executive Manager Governance & Performance

Responsible Officer:           Ian Flint, Chief Executive Officer

File No:                                  Formal Papers       




Council has recently received advice of the upcoming State Conference for ALGWA, which is to be held in Warwick from 23rd to 25th July 2014, and this report seek to confirm any attendance from Council. It is recommended that Council be represented given the proximity of the location and to support the local government industry. 



Officer’s Recommendation:

THAT Council confirms the attendance of Cr ________ at the 2014 ALGWA State Conference to be held in Warwick in July 2014, and that the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to nominate a relevant officer to attend as appropriate.






1.         Introduction


Southern Downs Regional Council is hosting the 2104 ALGWA State Conference and recently wrote to Council seeking sponsorship for the hosting of this event. Given the late notice and the current budget, it was determined not to provide sponsorship on this occasion. At that time it was considered that Council may wish to nominate an attendee/s.


2.         Background


Council has on occasion attended the ALGWA, and generally adopts a corporate membership to cover any ongoing attendance at events.


The Australian Local Government Women's Association (ALGWA) was founded in 1951 during the Jubilee Year of the Commonwealth of Australia. ALGWA was formed as a non-party political organisation to support women's participation in Local Government. All branches of the ALGWA are autonomous, however, their aims and objectives are based on those of the National Association. Branches hold conferences, seminars and special meetings to advertise their work and educate women in Local Government. National Conferences are held biennially.


3.         Report


The conference program outlines a range of speakers, from within local government and the private sector as presents an opportunity to contribute to key issues in the broader local government environment, but also to address key issues specific to women in local government. A copy of the current program is attached for review. (Attachment 1).


There is no imperative for attendance and the report seeks Council support or otherwise on this annual conference. 


4.         Policy and Legal Implications


There are no legal or policy matters that arise from this report, and all matters will be dealt with through the appropriate mechanisms. A written report on the conference will be required to be produced for the next available Council Meeting.


5.         Financial and Resource Implications


The budget allocation exists to fund any required attendance and given the proximity there will be limited travel and accommodation costs required. The costs for any staff attendance will come from existing budget allocations. There full registrations ($780) and day registrations ($430) available. Optional dinner programs are available.


6.         Delegations/Authorisations


Council has allocated funds to attend necessary conferences and the authority rests with Council to nominate an attendee and for the Chief Executive Officer to nominate a staff member if required to attend.


7.         Communication and Engagement


While a written response has been forwarded by the Chief Executive Officer to the Southern Downs Regional Council, advising of Council’s inability to sponsor, then a formal response advising of Council’s attendance is required.


8.         Conclusion


That Council should be represented at the annual conference in Warwick in support of the ongoing work of the association and for networking opportunities that it presents for Councillors and staff.


9.         Action/s


The registrations and confirmation of attendance be finalised to meet the close off being COB 9/7/14.





Conference Papers

9 Pages


Ordinary Council MEETING AGENDA

  9 JULY 2014 


11.       Organisational Development and Engagement Reports

11.1                                        Executive Manager Organisational Development & Engagement


Date:                                      03 July 2014

Author:                                  Dan McPherson, Executive Manager Organisational Development & Engagement

Responsible Officer:           Dan McPherson, Executive Manager Organisational Development & Engagement

File No:                                  Formal Papers       




This report is to update Council on key issues currently being actioned.   



THAT Council receive and note the Executive Manager Organisational Development and Engagement Monthly Update. 





1.       Introduction


This report provides an update on key matters arising and being addressed since the last report.


2.       Background


The previous reports provide the background information to date and only progress is being reported during June 2014.


3.       Report



Community Engagement Team – Youth Council/Multicultural


On the 25 June 2014, Youth Workshop (Youth Mash - Up) was held in partnership with Peace & Conflict Studies Institute (Pacsia), at the Lockyer Valley Cultural Centre. The Youth Mash-Up was based on a Youth Café participatory approach which builds relationships and which is an empowering way for young people to explore each other’s backgrounds, stories and passions.


In conversation with each other, the young people will be guided to discuss the meaning of “welcome” and “making someone feel welcome”. They will also be given an opportunity to discuss problems and challenges that young people are facing in Lockyer Valley and how they can work together to overcome them. A separate report has been compiled outlining this event and is attached to the July Council agenda.



Organisational Development



In the next Council report a full workforce analysis for the 2013-2014 fiscal years will be presented the following at this stage is a prelude to the 2013-2014 full report and is intended as information only.



As at 30 June 2014, Lockyer Valley Regional Council retained 392 employees (360 FTE’s).


Staff Turnover

Staff turnover at 30 June 2014 sat at 10.0%, this is mainly due to the high turnover of staff in Customer Service and staff leaving at the end of their tenures.


Learning and Development

Organisational & People Development filled 645 training places training during the 2013-14 financial years. Courses included:


1.       Diploma Project Management

2.       Diploma HRM

3.       Certificate IV Customer Contact

4.       Certificate IV Safety and Environment Auditor

5.       Cert III Business Administration

6.       Certificate III Mechanical

7.       Certificate III Civil Construction

8.       Certificate III Horticulture

9.       Traffic Controller Refresher

10.     Introduction to Project Management

11.     Senior First Aid/CPR

12.     Bullying & Harassment in the Workplace

13.     LGMA Challenge 

14.     Microsoft Office Suite 2010

15.     AEMI Training

16.     Time 2 Lead – Council Emerging Leaders Program

17.     Fire Evacuation/Fire Warden Course

18.     Managing People for Performance

19.     Business Letter & Report Writing

20.     Performance Management & Discipline

21.     Good Decisions Training

22.     EEO Contact Officer Course

23.     Presenting Complex Content Easily

24.     Planning for Effective Public Participation



During the 2013-14 financial years, Council was successful in securing $66,000 in State Government funding to support a traineeship program implemented by the Queensland State Government to assist flood and other disaster affected local governments. The program provided local residents with the opportunity to work within local government on a full time basis for a period of 12 months while undertaking an accredited TAFE course. Unfortunately it is our understanding from LGAQ that no funding for trainees will be available in 2014-2015.


Developing Emerging Leaders

Council openly encourages emerging leaders throughout the organisation. Full employee support is given in the following areas:


The LGMA Australasian Management Challenge

The major objective of the Challenge is to provide local government employees with a highly relevant learning experience in management and teamwork that readily translates back into their day-to-day workplace. The Challenge is based on a series of professional management capabilities that have been shown to be critical for people in leadership positions in local government. As you are aware LVRC competes each year in the LGMA Australasian Management Challenge, the finals were held last week and Warrnambool City Council has won the 2014 LGMA Australasian Management Challenge Final, in second place was New Zealand’s' Whakatane District Council and third place, Tasmania's Burnie Council.


Time 2 Lead

A program targeted at emerging leaders within the organisation that demonstrate the desire and ability to move into a leadership role. The first course was taken up well with participants providing excellent feedback on course content and relativity to the workplace.


Maintaining a Healthy Workplace

Council implemented a staff wellbeing program to provide employees with a means of maintaining a level of health and fitness while bonding them together. As the program progressed, there was an introduction of regular sporting events. This month and more recently we are organising, walk to work groups, health checks, diet information, 10,000 step program, weigh in’s and fitness boot camp.


Workplace Heath & Safety

Lockyer Valley Regional Council takes the health and safety of its staff very seriously and has adopted a Zero Harm policy to minimise the risk of injury. While Council is striving for Zero harm, and continuously working towards maintaining a Gold status as an organisation, the following incidents occurred:


·    41 incidents reported - a reduction from 74 for the previous year

·    47 injuries – includes cuts, sprains, bruises and more serious injuries

There is an overall change in the safety culture of Council with staff generally becoming more aware of their safety obligations both professionally and personally.




Ordinary Council MEETING AGENDA

  9 JULY 2014 


11.2                                        Multicultural And Youth Engagement Report "Youth Mash-Up Event"


Date:                                      03 July 2014

Author:                                  David Mazzaferri, Manager Disaster Management (Recovery & Resilience) & Community Engagement

Responsible Officer:           Dan McPherson, Executive Manager Organisational Development & Engagement

File No:                                  Formal Papers       




On the 25 June 2014 a Youth Workshop (Youth Mash-Up) was held at the Lockyer Valley Cultural Centre in partnership with Peace & Conflict Studies Institute Australia (PaCSIA).   Sixty eight (68) local students from various cultural backgrounds attended the event.  Countries represented included Iraq, Sudan, France, Spain, Sweden, China, Hungary, America, England, Germany, Bosnia, Italy, Egypt, Australia, Vietnam and Afghanistan.


Officer’s Recommendation:

THAT Council receive and note the Multicultural and Youth Engagement Report “Youth Mash-Up Event”. 





1.     Introduction


The Lockyer Valley is experiencing increasing settlement of people from culturally diverse backgrounds. Engagement of young people is seen as an important part of the overall social inclusion.


An engagement strategy has been developed including programs where participants engage in a series of activities that builds:


·      self-confidence

·      connections with other young people

·      respect for people of various backgrounds through shared experience and understanding

·      emerging leadership skills

·      proposals for ongoing youth programs through self-determination and consensus-making     activities


2.    Background


The Youth Mash-Up was based on a Youth Café participatory approach which builds relationships and enables young people to explore each other’s backgrounds, stories and passions.


During conversation with each other, the young people were guided to discuss the meaning of “welcome” and “making someone feel welcome”. They were also given an opportunity to discuss problems and challenges that young people face in Lockyer Valley and how they can work together to overcome them.


3.     Report


The Youth mash Up was facilitated by Mr Serge Loode, the Director of PaCSIA and involved the participants being grouped into tables of five.  Any pre-existing groups were broken up through the Youth Café method which assisted the conversations between participants.


Over three or four rounds of questions, participants got to explore topics and questions such as the meaning of welcome and what issues young people face in the Lockyer Valley. These rounds were interspersed with other activities to assist the participants in building relationships with each other.


Participants documented their thoughts on butcher paper around topics such as:


•       Welcome

•       Activities needed in the Lockyer Valley

•       Issues being faced by young people in the Lockyer Valley




Ordinary Council MEETING AGENDA

  9 JULY 2014 


12.       Corporate and Community Services Reports

12.1                                        Review and Update of Council Policies - Sundry Debt Collection and Recovery; Rates and Charges Debt Collection and Recovery


Date:                                      03 July 2014

Author:                                  Tony Brett, Manager Finance

Responsible Officer:           David Lewis, Group Manager Corporate & Community Services

File No:                                  Formal Papers        




Council’s current policies for Sundry Debt Collection and Recovery and Rates and Charges Debt Collection and Recovery were adopted in order to set out Council’s principles and actions in relation to the recovery of outstanding debts.


The Policies were required to be reviewed as at 1 March 2014 and this has now been completed, with minor changes to each policy detailed in this report.


The amended policies are presented for Council’s consideration and adoption with the changes to take effect from 1 July 2014.


Officer’s Recommendation:

THAT Council adopts the amendments to the Sundry Debt Collection and Recovery – Policy SG12 and the Rates and Charges Debt Collection and Recovery – Policy SG13 with an effective date of 1 July 2014 and a review date of 1 March 2015.





1.         Introduction


Council has previously adopted policies for Sundry Debt Collection and Recovery and Rates and Charges Debt Collection and Recovery.  These policies now need to be reviewed, updated and re-adopted by Council to take effect from 1 July 2014.


2.         Background


The adoption by Council of policies for Sundry Debt Collection and Recovery and Rates and Charges Debt Collection and Recovery has seen a substantial reduction in amounts due to Council and provide a consistent and ethical debt recovery process.


3.         Report


The amendments proposed to each policy follow.


1)   Sundry Debt Collection and Recovery
Interest on overdue accounts has been increased from 7% to 11%, so as to match the interest charged with respect to overdue rates and charges.

a)   Council will advise the debtor that the debt has been referred to Council’s appointed legal representative or debt recovery agent (if applicable).


b)   Council will advise that further credit may be suspended unless a satisfactory payment arrangement is entered into or the debt paid in full.

c)   A threshold limit of $100 has been inserted with respect to initiating recovery by legal action. The setting of a threshold was recommended by Council’s Debt Recovery Agents as a result of a recent Court case.


2)   Rates and Charges Debt Collection and Recovery


a)   In section 4 of the Policy, a clause has been inserted stating that Council will advise the property owner that the debt has been referred to Council’s appointed legal representative or debt recovery agent (if applicable).


This step has been added following feedback from debtors to ensure that they are aware that the referral has occurred before receiving contact from an external agent.


b)   A threshold limit of $100 has been inserted with respect to initiating recovery by legal action. The setting of a threshold was recommended by Council’s Debt Recovery Agents as a result of a recent Court case.


c)   In order to avoid confusion, the policy now states that interest will still apply even if a payment commitment has been entered into.


There are no other changes envisaged at this time, with the Policies to be again reviewed in March 2015.


4.         Policy and Legal Implications


The Local Government Act 2009 and Local Government Regulation 2012 set the parameters for Council’s management of overdue rates and charges, as well as sundry debts.


5.         Financial and Resource Implications


Adoption of the amended Policies as proposed will ensure continuation of debt recovery practices in the 2014/15 financial year. The collection practices in place have seen a substantial reduction in amounts due to Council and provide a consistent and ethical recovery process.


6.         Delegations/Authorisations


No further delegations are required to manage the issues raised in this report.  The Chief Executive Officer and the Executive Manager Corporate and Community Services will manage requirements in line with existing delegations.


7.         Communication and Engagement


After adoption by Council, the Policies will be updated for inclusion on Council’s Policy Register and disseminated throughout Council and Council’s external debt recovery providers.


8.         Conclusion


Adoption of these amended Policies is recommended to ensure currency and to adhere to Council’s previous decision to review the policies in March 2014, prior to the commencement of the 2014/15 financial year.


9.         Action/s


(a)  Adoption of the Policies as recommended in the Report


(b)  Dissemination of the amended Policies throughout Council and to Council’s external stakeholders.





Rates and Charges

5 Pages


Sundry Debt Collection

4 Pages


Review and Update of Council Policies - Sundry Debt Collection and Recovery; Rates and Charges Debt Collection and Recovery

Attachment 1

Rates and Charges


Review and Update of Council Policies - Sundry Debt Collection and Recovery; Rates and Charges Debt Collection and Recovery

Attachment 2

Sundry Debt Collection


Ordinary Council MEETING AGENDA

  9 JULY 2014 


12.2                                        Lockyer Valley Darts Association - Proposed Permanent Shelter Shed, Ferrari Park, Laidley


Date:                                      03 July 2014

Author:                                  David Lewis, Group Manager Corporate & Community Services

Responsible Officer:           David Lewis, Group Manager Corporate & Community Services

File No:                                  Formal Papers       




The Lockyer Valley Darts Association has approached Council with a proposal to construct a permanent shelter and structure in Ferrari Park, Laidley


Officer’s Recommendation:

THAT Council decline the request by the Lockyer Valley Darts Association to construct a permanent shelter shed in Ferrari Park Laidley;

And further;

THAT Council Officers liaise with the Lockyer Valley Darts Association on alternative sites for the proposed permanent shelter shed.





1.         Introduction


In 2013 the Lockyer Valley Darts Association (the Association) was successful in applying for a grant to construct a permanent shelder shed in Ferrari Park, Laidley.  The Association has now received the grant and is seeking Council approval to complete the project to enable acquittal of grant funds.


2.         Background


In 2013 the Association approached Council through the Community Facilities Branch seeking advice on the maintenance of the proposed permanent shelter shed in Ferrari Park, Laidley.  The Association was verbally advised through Council’s Community Facilities Branch that if the association was successful in obtaining and building a shelter shed, then in turn Council would maintain the facility.


The Association was subsequently advised that they would need the approval of the Parks and Gardens Branch to construct the proposed permanent shelter shed.


In correspondence to the Mayor dated 3 March 2014, the Association again sought Council approval to construct its permanent shelter shed.


Following discussions on the Associations proposal at Council’s May 2014 Ordinary Meeting Council officers confirmed that Council has not issued any formal approval to the Association to construct its shelter shed.  This position was subsequently confirmed with the secretary of the Association.


3.         Report


The Association is again seeking Council approval to construct a permanent shelter shed in Ferrari Park, Laidley.  The shed is proposed to be used by the Association once a month on Laidley Market Days.  The construction of the shelter shed will reduce the amount of volunteer work required by the Association in the transportation of tents, tables and other equipment required to run its breakfast food stall in conjunction with the Laidley Aged and Handicapped Association on Laidley Market Days.


The envisaged design of the building attempts to align with the profile of the existing structures in the Laidley Recreation Reserve and it is envisaged that the proposed shelter shed would be available for community use when not being utilized by the Association.


A copy of the site and building plans for the proposed permanent shelter shed are attached.


Subsequent discussions between individual Councillors and Council officers have revealed that the proposed location of the permanent shelter shed is not in keeping with Council’s envisaged strategy for Ferrari Park and its associated visual amenity.


4.         Policy and Legal Implications


Policy and legal implications will be addressed in future on matters as they arise before Council.


5.         Financial and Resource Implications


Any budget implications will continue to be addressed through existing allocations


6.         Delegations/Authorisations


No further delegations are required to manage the issues raised in this report.  The Executive manager Corporate and Community Services will manage requirements in line with existing delegations.


7.         Communication and Engagement


The Secretary of the Association will be formally advised of Council’s resolution.


8.         Conclusion


Although the benefits of the proposed permanent shelter shed are acknowledged, as the proposal is not in keeping with Council’s envisaged strategy for the Ferrari Park, the request from the Association to construct a permanent shelter shed in Ferrari Park should be declined.


9.         Action/s


            The Secretary of the Association will be formally advised of Council’s resolution.




2 Pages


Lockyer Valley Darts Association - Proposed Permanent Shelter Shed, Ferrari Park, Laidley

Attachment 1



Ordinary Council MEETING AGENDA

  9 JULY 2014 


12.3                                        Executive Manager Corporate and Community Services Monthly Update


Date:                                      03 July 2014

Author:                                  David Lewis, Group Manager Corporate & Community Services

Responsible Officer:           David Lewis, Group Manager Corporate & Community Services

File No:                                  Formal Papers       




This report provides Council with a brief summary of key operational activities undertaken by Corporate and Community Services during June 2014.



THAT Council receive and note the Executive Manager Corporate and Community Services Monthly Update. 





1.         Introduction

This report provides Council with a brief summary of key operational activities undertaken by Corporate and Community Services during June 2014.


2.         Background

Council should be aware of group activities to guide future decision making.


3.         Report

A brief summary of the key outcomes of Corporate and Community Services during June 2014 by functional grouping follows.  Due to the change in meeting cycle, this is an interim report for June 2014.




Laidley Cultural Centre


Stage 3 works which incorporate completion of the painting of the external walls of the main building, not including the Squash court area has commenced and should be completed by 11 July.


Subsequent to the receipt of an Engineers report regarding air-conditioning units, quotes for this project were sourced.  At a value of $110,000 the quote was substantially higher than anticipated. Alternative options have been investigated and Council has now received a quote for $52K to install 10 reverse cycle units (in 2 banks of five). This method is not only cheaper but has a lower (23%) operational cost than the Split System. This project is expected to be completed by 31 July.


The main kitchen area will be painted by 11 July.


Laidley CCTV Cameras


The Laidley CCTV cameras are now fully installed and operational.  Cameras angels are now being refined to address ‘blind spots’ along Patrick Street, Laidley.  Cameras and other equipment to service the Laidley Multisport Grandstand area will be purchased and stored until the project is completed in December 2014.  Computer monitoring equipment has been purchased and is due to be installed in the coming weeks.


Other Projects


The donations shed/mens shed ablutions block has experienced delays through the building approval process as plans were required to be changed to meet disabled requirements.  Approval has since been received and footings will be undertaken by Council in early July 2014.  The Project Officer has been communicating with the Men’s Shed president on project progress.  Officers have also meet with representatives of the Men’s shed in relation to siting clean fill from the Regional Aquatic Centre project to allow for the creation of a new flat pad area on site.


The Gatton Administration Building Alterations and Refurbishment project is now expected to be completed on 21 July due to variations in the project scope and the need to remove Asbestos tiles from the Mayor’s Office area.


The Contract for Laidley Sports Clubhouse project has been signed by both parties and Northbuild Pty Ltd, the successful contractor, has taken Possession of Site. The expected completion date is December 2014.


The 12m x 6m donga from the Grantham Estate has been repositioned on the AFL oval at Cahill Park. The building needs to have steps reattached and tie down footings completed before it can be utilised. These works should be completed by 10 July.


Information Technology


Potential internet outages will be experienced on 17 and 18 July as part of an upgrade to our Firewall. The outages will be managed in a way to minimise the impact to staff and customers.

As part of the project to migrate all fixed voice services from Macquarie to Telstra, we have reviewed all fixed voice services.  As a result, we are in the process of cancelling 16 services; this represents a saving of $712 per month or $8,544 per year.  We are now in the process of reviewing all mobile voice and data services and plans, hoping to make further savings in this area.


The first device from our new print services supplier “Fuji Xerox” is being testing in ICT with positive feedback received.  The rollout of the new print devices is expected to commence in late July.


Customer Services


2014/2015 Animal Registrations – work on this project is progressing to timetable with notices expected to be printed next week for release on 14 July.


Correspondence has gone out to regular hirers of halls informing them of the revised Fees and Charges for 2014/2015.


The counter in the Gatton office will be closed for rebuilding on Friday 11 July and Monday 14 July as the replacement counter is fitted. There will be an alternative service desk in the foyer for both of these days; however cash will not be able to be taken on either of the days. Card facilities will be available. The temporary changes will be advertised to the public via the Gatton Star, Facebook and notices in the foyer. Full services are expected to be restored from Tuesday 15 July.


Cultural, Health & Regulatory Services


Australian author, and past Lockyer resident, Irena Kobalt, recently visited the library branches to present her recently-published children’s book, “My Two Blankets”, the story of a young immigrant to Australia and how she managed the transition from what was familiar and comfortable in her old country, to accepting the strange and different Australian way of life.  It is a beautifully written and illustrated book that has been purchased by libraries and schools right across Australia to highlight the struggles faced by new immigrants to this country.


School Holidays are upon us once more, and holiday activities are again in full swing.  These holidays provide an opportunity for children aged 5 to 14 years old to come to the library and have some fun with other children in Lego competitions, lively games, and art creations.  The holidays will also feature a movie and popcorn night, with the showing of the movie “Frozen” for all the family to enjoy.




As at 27 June Council has received $16.2M of the rates issued which is on par with prior year rates issues.  The rates collected are 94% of the total levied.


Sale of Land for Rates Arrears letters have been sent as a final warning prior to a follow up report to Council with the first batch of sale properties. Around 15 properties are likely to go to Council in the first report as there has been no contact from the owners for a long time. The report will be prepared for the August 2014.


2014/15 Budget is scheduled for adoption at the Special Meeting on 14 July.


End of Financial Year process went extremely well with no issues identified and the system back online before 8pm. Over the next four weeks, end of year adjustments will be completed and final figures prepared. The end of year audit is on track for completion in September.


Corporate purchasing cards system testing has been completed and the Management Team has now been asked to provide the names of the staff which will require a card.  Significant improvements to the procurement of goods and Council payment terms are envisaged.




A report pending from Department of Environment, Heritage & Planning has flagged a compliance inspection for Waste Management sites & Quarry Sites in late July/August 2014.


From 1 July 2014, Lockyer Waters & Lockrose Waste Management facilities fall under the new waste collection contract. Lockrose waste has been deposited in the Gatton Landfill since October 2013 via 30 cubic metre skips. Waste in the 60 cubic metre bin at Lockyer Waters will be continue to deposited into Ti-tree landfill; however, it will be changed over to a 30 cubic metre bin from 1 September 2014 where thereafter waste will be transported and deposited into Gatton Landfill.


The annual volumetric survey has been completed on Gatton landfill for statutory purposes with results pending.


An aerial survey was completed for Grantham Transfer Station site. This survey will enable an estimate cost to be forecast (capital projection costs) for the uncapped part of the Grantham site.


Two additional concrete leachate tanks (ex – septic tanks) have been installed in series with the existing leachate tank at the Gatton Landfill. This will ensure sufficient capacity is available to store leachate particularly during peak rainfall periods.


2011 Grantham flood waste currently stored at Gatton landfill has been processed and waste moved into the landfill cell.


The Laidley Leachate Tank project has been completed and recommissioned. The tank will be monitored weekly and pumped as required. An alarm (Red light) is to be installed by Council Plumbers.




Ordinary Council MEETING AGENDA

  9 JULY 2014 


13.       Planning and Development Services Reports

13.1                                        Call to Arms 2014


Date:                                      03 July 2014

Author:                                  Jason Harm, Manager Regional Development

Responsible Officer:           Mark Piorkowski, Executive Manager Planning & Development Services

File No:                                  Formal Papers       




Laidley Pioneer Village is organising and is to deliver the 2014 Call to Arms event on 2 August 2014 and have requested support from Council.  The event organisers, following the initial letter of request have significantly changed their requirements for support.  This report outlines the changes that have occurred and the amended request for assistance. 


Officer’s Recommendation:

THAT Council support the Call to Arms event being organised by Laidley Pioneer Village by providing a $2,000 contribution from the Mayoral fund plus in-kind support and assistance as described in Section 3;

And further;

THAT Council request the Laidley Pioneer Village to appoint one delegate from their organising committee as the representative to liaise with Council with regard to this event (Council representative is Manager Regional Development). 





1.         Introduction


The Laidley District Historical Society Inc (Laidley Pioneer Village) has formed a working group with the 2nd Lockyer Light Horse Troop and Laidley RSL Sub Branch to establish a re-enactment of the Call to Arms of local residents in response to the break out of World War I.  The Laidley Pioneer Village is planning to hold a series of these re-enactment events annually over the next five years.


2.         Background


Council received correspondence from the Lockyer Valley Australia Light Horse Commemoration Committee (LVALHCC) regarding the Call to Arms Centenary event scheduled for 2 and 3 August 2014.  The Laidley Pioneer Village is the legal entity responsible for organizing and managing the event and has sought financial and in-kind support from Council. The event was originally expected to attract 2,000 patrons, with the program including the re-enactment of the Call to Arms march from Laidley District State School, along Patrick Street, to the Anzac memorial at Whites Road.  A number of meetings have been held with the committee members.


Requests to Council originally were to:

·      Assist with approach to insurers to class the commemoration as a community event;

·      Support the event as a civic function;

·      Assist with political involvement;

·      Assist with the production of a prospectus in order to attract maximum media attention;

·      Assist with production of a legal agreement between the Lockyer Valley Regional Council and LVALHCC;

·      Assist with State and Federal Gvernment grants available;

·      Receive assistance from the Council marketing team for poster and leaflet production and distribution;

·      Assist with provision/hire of equipment – seating, marquees, toilets and fencing;

·      Approve the use of the unused Narda Lagoon cricket ground – the removal of the concrete cricket pitch is required; and

·      Allocate rooms for future meeting between the LVALCC and Council at the Gatton Council Chambers.


Further informal requests were made at a meeting held on 3 May with Councillor Tanya Milligan present:

·      Assistance with a stage to hold a 40-piece orchestra;

·      Toilet cleaning and restocking provisions;

·      Orange bunting or barrier mesh; and

·      Provision of portable toilets.


The following Friday, 9 May a further meeting was held.  In attendance from Council was Mayor Cr Steve Jones, Myles Fairbairn Executive Manager Infrastructure and Works Services and Jason Harm Manager Regional Development.  Discussion from that meeting was that the group was seeking assistance in support of a grant application for commemorative services through the Federal Government for $40,000 and follow up assistance with some of the items identified above.  That grant application was not successful. 


Since the letters of request and previous meetings with Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Council officers, a further meeting was held with Council officers and representatives from Laidley Pioneer Village on 25 June to establish the rescaling of the event and final commitments that the groups were seeking to deliver the 2014 event.


Since that advice and the meeting on 25 June, the event has been scaled back to a one day event on Saturday 2 August requiring less commitment from Council this year.  Council was advised that the event was scaled down due to an unsuccessful grant application.


The re-enactment of the Call to Arms march will now take place, along the same route as the Anzac Day march down Patrick Street, between Spicer Street and the Anzac memorial park.  The road closures will only be required from 8.30am – 10.00am to minimize impact on local businesses.


A memorial service will be held at the cenotaph after which the event moves to Laidley Pioneer Village and Museum.  At Laidley Pioneer Village there will be vintage car displays, ‘quick’ weddings for those that joined the call for arms during the street parade on the day, individuals being ‘locked up’ for misbehaving etc.  The cricket ground will feature the Light Horse Troop working as well as an encampment for soldiers.


There has been an invitation sent to the Mayor to be part of the re-enactment as the Mayor of the Shire at the time, calling for local residents to support the war effort.


The Laidley Pioneer Village is the legal entity responsible for the running and management of the event and has established a working committee with the Laidley RSL Sub Branch and The Lockyer Light Horse.


Call to Arms is the first of five annual events that this group is planning.  Call to Arms is the initial phase of the re-enactment of the World War I campaign to call civilians to arms in response to the break out of war.


3.         Report


The committee has amended the initial request for assistance from Council to the following:

-     Confirmation of approval of $2,000 cash contribution from the Mayoral Fund;

-     In-kind support to meet the cost of the Traffic Management Plan or stop/go controller to the value of $500;

-     Application for the road closure of Patrick Street, Laidley and Pioneer Street between Drayton and Frome St, Laidley; and the use of a traffic controller to manage pedestrian access from the Pioneer Village to the cricket oval at Narda Lagoon;

-     Organise access to the tap at the toilet block for water for the horses;

-     Ensure the existing toilet block is clean and supplied;

-     Provide access to the power box at the toilet block to run the PA system;

-     Provide the Bedouin tent and poles (recently donated to Council by the Helidon Progress Association);

-     Provide 90m of orange barrier safety mesh as a safety measure at the exit to the suspension bridge;

-     Council will advise closure of the RV area, 9.00am – 4.00pm on 2 August through Visitor Information Centres and signage at the site;

-     Council will level the ground at the entry to the oval, behind the bus stop;

-     Council will assist with provision of approximately 100 event chairs;

-     Council will approve use of the Narda Lagoon cricket oval and cover the concrete cricket pitch to a safe standard of operation for the event; and

-     And provide marketing assistance.


Council has already provided the following:

-     GIS site map;

-     Professional advice on event management;

-     Review of funding application; and

-     A letter of support for the funding application.


With the rescaling of the event, we have been advised that Council is no longer required to provide:

-     Assistance with approach to insurers to class the commemoration as a community event;

-     Supporting the event as a civic function;

-     Assistance with political involvement;

-     Assistance with the production of a prospectus in order to attract maximum media attention;

-     Assistance with production of a legal agreement between the Lockyer Valley Regional Council and LVALHCC;

-     Assistance with State and Federal Government grants available;

-     Assistance from the Council marketing team for poster and leaflet distribution;

-     The removal of the concrete cricket pitch; and

-     Allocation of rooms for future meeting between the LVALCC and Council at the Gatton Council Chambers.


4.         Policy and Legal Implications


This report and recommendations align with Council’s Operational Plan, Lockyer Community section to support regional events.


5.         Financial and Resource Implications


The $2,000 will be drawn from the $25,000 allocated to the Mayoral Fund in the 2014/15 budget.


6.         Delegations/Authorisations


No further delegations are required to manage the issues raised in this report.


7.         Communication and Engagement


The matters arising from this report that require further communication will be addressed through existing communication channels.


8.         Conclusion


The Call to Arms Centenary event will be a community celebration in line with the 100 year anniversary of World War I.  Council support will assist the Laidley Pioneer Village to deliver the event in 2014, its inaugural year.  It will also enable Council to evaluate the success of the planned event, to be taken into consideration when the event organisers are seeking assistance in future years.


9.         Action/s


The action is for the Regional Development team to provide support as per the recommendations as per this report.








2 Pages


Letter 25 Feb 2014

1 Page


Call to Arms 2014

Attachment 1



Call to Arms 2014

Attachment 2

Letter 25 Feb 2014



Ordinary Council MEETING AGENDA

  9 JULY 2014 


13.2                                        Executive Manager Planning & Development Services Monthly Update


Date:                                      03 July 2014

Author:                                  Mark Piorkowski, Executive Manager Planning & Development Services

Responsible Officer:           Mark Piorkowski, Executive Manager Planning & Development Services

File No:                                  Formal Papers       




This report is to update council on the big issues currently being actioned within the Planning and Development Services Group.



THAT Council receive and note the Executive Manager Planning and Development Services Monthly Update. 





1.         Introduction


This report provides an update on key matters arising and being addressed since the last report.


2.         Background


The previous report provides the background information to date and only progress is being reported during June 2014.


3.         Report


2014 Lockyer Valley Tourism Destination Guide


The guide was delivered to Council in the first week of June.  A soft launch was organised at the Queensland Caravan and Camping Show, with guides being distributed to visitors of the stand.  As there are copies of the 2013 guide still available for distribution, these will continue to be rolled out.  Regional Development team are monitoring the stock levels and a formal media launch will be organised in line with the distribution of the 2014 guide.  The Visitor Information Centre in the Queen Street Mall in Brisbane now has the window decal installed, it remained there for the month of June and that centre will carry stock of the new guide.


Caravan and Camping Show


The Caravan and Camping commenced on Wednesday 4 to 11 of June, held at RNA Brisbane.  Council operated a 6 x 3 stand in building three on the grounds with support from industry, Councillor Tanya Milligan and Councillor Janice Holstein.  Regional Development staff manned the stand each day with help from two volunteers.  Regional Development distributed a soft release of the new 2014 Tourism Destination Guide at the stand and continued to run out existing stocks of the old 2013 Tourism Destination Guide.  The show was a great success with 3,500 Tourism Destination Guides distributed and 941 competition entries received in total.  The engagement with the public was strong and many people seemed interested in visiting the Lockyer Valley, the image as a backdrop certainly encouraged conversation.  The set was designed to leverage off of the ‘Give me Lockyer Valley Any Day’ campaign and we have targeted our promotions at the audience attending.  The stand promoted tourism product that was targeted at potential camping grounds and experiences relating to the outdoors.


Queensland Week in the Lockyer


Queensland Week activities were delivered in Laidley on 3 June and Gatton on 4 June.  The events were primarily sponsored by the Queensland Government.  The aim was to increase the activity in the main street areas, get the retailers involved and connect with the community.  The window decoration competition was well supported by businesses in both towns with great themed windows on display and interactive sidewalk promotions.  Whilst visitor numbers in Laidley were low there was a general good feel about the activities and the Queensland State of Origin mascot was spotted in many of the business premises including one of the local hotels.  Gatton activities were also well received by the public with an estimated 280 people enjoying free sausages and Queensland birthday cake while being entertained by local band “Cross Country”.  The official Queensland Day cake was cut by Councillor Derek Pingel.  Winners of the Window and Shop Decoration Promotion $250 voucher to spend locally from Laidley was the Laidley Florist and in Gatton the National Australia Bank.  The final report on the outcomes of Queensland Week in the Lockyer was prepared and accepted by the Department of Premier and Cabinet.


Lockyer Valley Farmers Group


A pre-meeting tour of Koala Farms new state-of-the-art nursery facility was conducted which Regional Development provided assistance with the Development Assessment requirements so that the facility could be completed and commence production for the new season.  The establishment of the Lockyer Valley Farmers Group has been assisted and supported by Council from the outset.  Formally established in November the group is going strong with the production of their first newsletter which a PDF version was tabled at the June Councillor workshop and available on Council’s website.


Lockyer Valley BEST (Bringing Employers & Schools Together)


Council was the host and chair of this group’s meeting on 10 June where some exiting projects, both current and future, for local school students were identified and discussed.  Currently a group of Lockyer students are experiencing the transport industry through a program called Gener8, local businesses including Nolan’s Transport, Cook’s Transport and Freshwayz are hosting students on a weekly basis, who are also completing training in transport and logistics.


Laidley Better Business Meeting


A Council officer attended the monthly meeting of Laidley Better Business on 11 June.  Current projects being undertaken by the chamber were discussed included:

·      Christmas in July fundraiser planned for 26 July at Das Neumann Haus;

·      The steam train to Spring Festival including schedule and ticket sales process;

·      A gala evening planned for 30 August which is a fundraiser to underwrite the cost of the train; and the efforts of the chamber to increase community pride in the town, including the grant for the Queensland Rail garden; and

·      Membership cost, benefits and the vision for the chamber were also discussed by the members.


Visitor Information Centre


A total of 205 enquiries at the Plainland centre and a total of 273 enquiries at the Lake Apex centre for this week.  Visitor Information Centre staff assisted in manning the stand at the Caravan and Camping Show.


Lockyer Valley Business Awards Sponsorship


The major sponsorship for the 2014 business awards closed on 20 June, Regional Development team is still seeking category sponsors.  Most of last year’s sponsors have signed on again for this year with a few minimal changes, similar targets are being met.




The new event calendar for July - September 2014 has been finalised.  The Visitor Information Centre staff have sent 135 event calendars to local accommodation providers for inclusion in rooms and will be available via http://luvyalockyer.com.au/pages/events/.


Mobile Black Spot Coverage Programme


Letter of response has been submitted to the Commonwealth Government to meet the 30 June deadline for funding of service providers of potential sites based on the black spot mapping.  The funding through the Department of Broadband is for carriers to assist in providing better services in regions that have black spots.  The nominated black spots were identified through the technical assessment undertaken in Lockyer Valley in coordination with Regional Development Australia.


Queensland Investment Expo – Logan


Council participated in the Queensland Investment Expo hosted by Logan City Council at the Logan Entertainment Centre on 18 June.  Delegates were predominately Chinese, with many delegates travelling to Australia to explore investment opportunities.  The day included information sessions, and a number of opportunities for delegates to meet with exhibitors.  The day concluded with a networking dinner at Siromet winery on State of Origin night.  The following day, Chinese delegation was a guests of LVRC during a short site visit and tour to the region.  Councillor Janice Holstein welcomed the guests to the Lockyer Valley; guests were treated to a morning tea of lamingtons, and watched a video in Chinese detailing our regions journey from flood devastation to rebuilding economic growth and were presented with information and gift packs.  During morning tea there was a short presentation on the Gatton West Industrial Zone (GWIZ) and the motel site which was followed by a tour of the Lockyer Valley Cultural Centre, the Lakeview Accommodation Precinct and a visit to Strengthening Grantham and GWIZ.


Positive Development Signals

A set of major development reports presented for approval by Planning and Development Services provided positive signals that development across the Lockyer Valley may be picking up.  Officers have worked positively with the private sector to facilitate these approvals which assist in securing future growth and prosperity for the region.


Lockyer Powerfest


Lockyer Powerfest was held at Lake Dyer on 28-29 June with activities.  During a race on Saturday afternoon there was an incident involving two boats.  One of the operators was injured and a boat sank.  First aid assistance was immediate and the driver was taken to the PA Hospital at Annerley with injuries to limbs.  As the winds increased on Sunday 50 out of 51 drivers voted to call off the racing therefore the Queensland Cup wasn’t run.  An official report will be provided when available.


Brisbane Marketing


Brisbane Marketing CEO advised LVRC that the State will be contributing a further $160k funding to match the overall council contributions of $180k providing a total of 340k for SEQ ‘Give Me Brisbane Any Day’ campaign.  LVRC together with other participating councils will be promoted through the campaign.  The funding will be used for a range of promotions including digital marketing, TV, Instagram, print, fact sheets and trails which will run September 2014 to February 2015.


Queensland Agricultural Conference


Executive Manager Planning and Development Services and Manager Regional Development attended the Queensland Agricultural Conference in Brisbane together with Councillors Jones, Milligan and Holstein on 26 June.  Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Minister John McVeigh opened the conference stating it would be one of the most important events for the sector, bringing together hundreds of the State’s top agricultural representatives.  The conference follows on from the launch of the Queensland Agriculture Strategy which provides the framework for government and industry to work together to grow agriculture.  The agenda for the day focused on four key sessions; Resources, Production Costs, Productivity and Markets.  A series of presentations were provided for each session by a range of state, federal, non-government and private sector individuals.  A number of the sessions were of interest to LVRC and its agricultural businesses including a presentation by UQ Professor Robert Henry and Director for the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation who discussed the innovation in both production and the products grown by the Queensland agricultural sector to tap into the growing markets in India and China.  Also of interest was the presentation by Mike Logan the CEO of Dairy Connect NSW on how milk producers in that state have started to make inroads into the Chinese markets after a considerable amount of groundwork in developing relationships and in understanding that market’s particular regulatory requirements.


Queensland Transport Museum


A new display has been secured for the QTM for a period of six months – a 1980 White Dodge Truck that is owned and restored locally.





Ekka planning


Planning has continued for the three Councils (Lockyer Valley, Scenic Rim, and Southern Downs) to exhibit together at this year’s Brisbane Exhibition held from 8 to 17 August.  A joint stand incorporating the three regions as quality food regions for South East Queensland in now taking shape.  The Lockyer Valley will have a display similar to that which was designed in Sydney including vegetable vertical walls and the Ferguson tractor while enabling a brand alliance between the three regions called ‘Regional Harvest’.  The joint promotion will enable other flow on benefits, such as a higher media profile with commitment from the Minister for Agriculture John McVeigh to launch the venture, on stage promotions, and an associated commercial food vendor preparing and serving only product provided from our regions.


Economic and Community Profile


Informed Decisions have been engaged to work with council to provide online access to statistical economic, population and demographic data for the Lockyer Valley region.  The agreement includes staff training, executive briefings and unlimited telephone support.


Local Business working together for charity


Local retailers in Gatton joined forces on the weekend to host a morning tea to raise money for cancer research and support.  The activities were undertaken in a local café with many other retailers contributing through donations and support.  The efforts raised more than anticipated, and is a great example of what can be achieved when local business works together for a community cause.


PD Online


Officers have been engaged in training and have been providing detailed direction to ICON which is undertaking the development of council’s PD Online system.  The PD Online system has not been operational for a number of years.  It is anticipated that it will become operational in the third quarter of 2014.  This will be an important achievement as access to PD Online is an industry standard for businesses in development activity as well as ‘mum and dad’ developers looking to do work on their own properties.


Development Assessment Statistics


The development assessment team is running a pilot project to collect data on the services provided by the team to Council’s customers who require planning or development information prior to purchasing a property or when establishing or expanding a business.  It is intended to utilise the Technology One system to collect and report on the delivery of these services in the future.


Planning Scheme Marketing and Communication collateral


To support the roll out of the community consultation period for Council’s Planning Scheme, Corporate Communication has produced six brochures and six pull-up banners and will be delivering a video explaining the new scheme.  The collateral will be used as an aid by planning officers to demonstrate the new zoning at their community consultation sessions.


Discussions have taken place with representatives of the Department of State Development Infrastructure and Planning (DSDIP) throughout the month of June regarding elements of the planning scheme that may not be able to be supported (Flagstone and Ballard) and those which require additional work to be supported (the Rural Living areas).  Further information is being prepared to better align the Rural Living areas in the planning scheme with the SEQ Regional Plan. Work continues on compiling this additional package of information required by DSDIP as it is essential to secure the support of DSDIP officers so that they can recommend to the Minister that these elements should be included in the planning scheme.


Flying fox management


The Environmental Management Team has been coordinating the implementation of the Statement of Management Intent for the Management of Flying-Fox Roosts (SoMI).  An amount of vegetation was removed from the flying-fox roost at Patrick Street, Laidley specifically behind three residential properties at the northern end of Stanford Place between 10-12 June 2014.  The land containing this vegetation is owned or managed by Council and, as a consequence, required only notification and consultation to nearby residents and businesses.


Simultaneously, planning and preparation for the removal of vegetation from the flying-fox roost adjacent to the Amaroo aged-care facility at Railway Street, Gatton has commenced.  Unlike the roost at Laidley, this roost is entirely on private property and, under the SoMI there is an expectation that the neighbouring property owners will contribute to the costs.  While negotiations are progressing well to-date these discussions are complex and delicate.  Furthermore, the Environmental Planning team has met on a number of occasions with staff from Infrastructure Works and Services, private contractors and State departments to determine an acceptable and cost effective method of removing the vegetation.  It is anticipated that the work will commence in August of this year.


Alice Creek Nature Refuge


The Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection has signed the nature refuge agreement that will bring the Alice Creek Nature Refuge into effect.  This refuge comprises just under 310 hectares of land located 10 kilometres north of Helidon within Seventeen Mile.  It occupies a key location between two separate parts of the Lockyer National Park and will, in combination with the national park, ensure the conservation of significant natural values and habitat across a broad area of the Helidon Hills.  The creation of the refuge is the culmination of many years of work by Council staff and tertiary students who have contributed to the project during their internships with Council.


SEQ Catchments


A meeting was held with senior representatives of SEQ Catchments to discuss the progress of the development of a Natural Resources Management Plan (NRM) by SEQ Catchments.  Of particular interest was that consultation with rural landholders that has been undertaken by SEQ catchments to inform the NRM plan reveals that the top issues of concern are weed and pest management and the pressures of population growth in South East Queensland.





Catchment Management


A number of sites across the Lockyer Valley where catchment management work can be initiated in the short-term as part of the initiation of the Council of Mayors (SEQ) Resilient Rivers project have been identified.  The Lockyer Valley is a key area for this long-term project which has an overall aim of improving the resilience of catchments to minimise the loss of soil resources and the impact of silt on the region’s waterways.  A working group meeting was held by Council of Mayors (SEQ) to progress a proposed governance structure and project program for the initiative now referred to as the “Resilient Rivers Project”.  The first meeting of the Mayors (Lord Mayor and Mayor Steve Jones) with the nominated State Ministers (Ministers Cripps and Powell) is being planned for August.


Wetland Photographic Workshop and Bus Tour


On 25 May the workshop and tour was held at Lake Apex, Lake Freeman, Peachy Swamp and Colquhouns Road Dam wetland. Over 35 people participated in the tour which was led by renowned photographer Robert Ashdown and supported by ecologist Rod Hobson.  The event was held as part of Connect to Your Creek Week which ran from 17-25 May 2014.


Workshops by the State concerning fire safety and proposed changes to plumbing, building and certification legislation


A series of workshops were conducted by the State concerning fire safety and proposed changes to plumbing, building and certification legislation.  Initial feedback is that additional responsibility is being targeted for local government.  The potential impacts are being assessed and will be reported to elected members.  Local Government Association of Queensland will also be queried with respect to their position.


Changes to Building and Plumbing Legislation


Council has been advised through a building codes newsflash that a review of the Building Act 1975, Building certification in Queensland and the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2002 are taking place.  Discussion papers have been made available this week with the closing of submissions being the 25 July 2014.  There are several options for improvement identified in the discussion paper and some options would result in significant resource implications for Local Governments.




Ordinary Council MEETING AGENDA

  9 JULY 2014 


13.3                                        Queensland Urban Utilities (QUU) Progress Report


Date:                                      03 July 2014

Author:                                  Mark Piorkowski, Executive Manager Planning & Development Services

Responsible Officer:           Mark Piorkowski, Executive Manager Planning & Development Services

File No:                                  Formal Papers       




Council has received an update in June from the Queensland Urban Utilities (QUU) Board which provided highlights from their Board Meeting.



THAT Council receive and note the Queensland Urban Utilities (QUU) Progress Report. 




1.         Introduction


·      Lockyer Valley Regional Council maintains an ongoing working relationship with QUU on both operational and strategic aspects of water and sewerage provision.

·      This report is an update on matters of significance with respect to QUU for Council’s attention.


2.         Background


QUU is:

·      A statutory body, created on 1 July 2010 as a result of Queensland Government changes to the way water is managed in South East Queensland.

·      Owned by the Brisbane and Ipswich City Councils, and Lockyer Valley, Scenic Rim and Somerset Regional Councils and governed by an independent Board.

·      Tasked to deliver drinking water, recycled water and sewerage services to the cities and townships within the boundaries of these five local government areas.

·      Responsible for delivering water to customers, collecting, transporting and treating sewage, as well as charging and billing for water and waste water services for customers in the Brisbane, Ipswich, Lockyer Valley, Scenic Rim and Somerset local authority areas.


3.         Report


Queensland Urban Utilities Board update - June Board meeting


The Queensland Urban Utilities (QUU) Board held its final meeting for this financial year on 16 June.  This year, Queensland Urban Utilities continued its journey to becoming a modern and customer focused organisation.  QUU is transforming in many ways, for example on 1 July 2014, their commercial and water reliant customers, as well as developers, will be serviced under a differential service strategy.  From 1 July, QUU will also begin receiving and assessing development approvals under the new utility model.  The Board are committed to continuing to invest in capital infrastructure which is supporting population and economic growth across all share holding regions.  This is evidenced in the Board approving a $277M capital program for 2014/15.  QUU continue to be grateful for the ongoing support of our shareholders.  The strong shareholder satisfaction survey result of 77% in April this year is a clear reflection that their engagement, communication and consultation strategies are being well received by shareholders.  In addition to the release of QUU’s 2013/14 Annual Report in September, QUU look forward to further reflecting on the 2013/14 organisational performance and achievements at the upcoming Special General Meeting of shareholders.  At the ordinary Board meeting, the following matters were discussed.




2014/15 pricing


The Board approved a price increase of 4.5% for utility and sundry charges for 2014/15.  Whilst QUU released its pricing earlier this year and are required to formally publish prices for next financial year by the end of June.


Utility Model


With less than one month until the new utility model commences, the Board received an update on business readiness activities.  The program remains within budget and on schedule.  QUU have formed the team that will act as the interface between developers and QUU.  A number of QUU’s policy positions are either finalised or being settled following consultation with shareholders, stakeholders and the community.  The Board also noted that QUU held its third developer industry forum on 15 May.  This was well represented, and received, by more than 160 attendees.


Customer update


The Board received various updates in relation to their customer servicing strategy:

·      QUU launched its enhanced website in early June.  The new website is mobile compatible and allows customers to interact with QUU on a range of matters.

·      QUU has supported a number of community events in the past four weeks including the Healthy Waterways’ Connect to your Creek Week, the Mother’s Day Classic Fun Run and the Mater Foundation’s Mater Little Miracles 5ks.

·      QUU’s new commercial customer group has been formed and is ready to service their commercial and water reliant customers as well as developers from 1 July.

·      QUU’s customer experience satisfaction score has been measured for the period ending May.  At 6.9, this score is above target and has continued to improve year on year since 2012.  The score is higher than other peers (with the exception of one utility in South Australia) and other utilities (telecommunications and power).




Corporate Plan


The Board adopted the 2014-19 Corporate Plan following support by shareholders.  Under this Plan, QUU’s vision and purpose remain unchanged as do the four strategic pillars of customer, shareholders and community, operational excellence and people.  This plan serves as a constant reminder of QUU’s future direction, goals and priorities.  A copy of this plan will be provided to shareholders in early July.


Internal Audit Plan


The Board considered and approved QUU’s 2014/15 Internal Audit Plan.  This plan, which was previously endorsed by the Board’s Audit and Risk Committee, is a risk aligned program.  In addition to KPMG completing the internal audit program, Brisbane City Council (BCC) will in 2014/15 conduct QUU’s continuous assurance program.  The Audit and Risk Committee will maintain a close watching brief over deployment over both programs.


Risk Management Policy


The Board approved a number of revisions to the Risk Management Policy.  This Board approved policy now includes the identification, assessment and implementation of strategic and operational opportunities as defined by the Auditor General’s recently released paper on risk and innovation.


Strategic risk review


Earlier this year, the Board and the executive participated in a strategic risk workshop.  The purpose of the workshop was to consider emerging strategic risks and existing strategic risks.  The Board approved the revised strategic risk register.


Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) Regulatory Review


The Board considered and supported QUU’s response to the QCA on the long-term economic regulatory framework for water distributor-retailers.  By way of background, since 1 July 2010, QUU has operated under the current regulatory framework.  QUU’s position is that this Framework requires significant QUU time, effort and resources to respond to the regulator.  The current regulatory framework ends on 1 July 2015 and the QCA has until 30 September 2014 to present its final report to the Minister.  It is likely that any new regulatory framework will be less intensive on both entities and will be based upon a performance monitoring model.  Further, distributor-retailers will be subject to a cost of service review and the risk of price determination should the distributor-retailer breach thresholds.


Media update


Management provided an update on media activity related to QUU.  The Board acknowledged that there has been a change in focus with an increase in proactive stories and transparent engagement with media and communities.




The Board considered QUU’s response to the State Government’s 30 year water strategy.




Ordinary Council MEETING AGENDA

  9 JULY 2014 


14.       Infrastructure Works and Services Reports

14.1                                        Executive Manager Infrastructure Works and Services Monthly Update


Date:                                      04 July 2014

Author:                                  Myles Fairbairn, Executive Manager Infrastructure Works & Services

Responsible Officer:           Myles Fairbairn, Executive Manager Infrastructure Works & Services

File No:                                  Formal Papers       




This report is to update Council on the emerging matters arising since Council last met in regards to the Infrastructure Works and Services Group.


Officer’s Recommendation:

THAT Council receive and note the Executive Manager Infrastructure Works and Services Monthly Update. 





1.         Introduction


This report is to provide an update to Council on activities and issues for the Infrastructure Works and Services Group since Council’s last meeting held on 25 June 2014.


2.         Background


Previous Infrastructure Works and Services report to Council up to and including 25 June 2014.


3.         Report

2011 NDRRA program


A current financial summary of the 2011 NDRRA programme follows.

·     Current estimated final cost (EFC) = $114.7 million

·     2011 emergent works (now paid and acquitted by QRA) = $20.7 million

·     Value of works completed to end of June 2014 = $113.7 million (some $ still to hit accounts)

·     Submissions forwarded to QRA awaiting acquittal = $39.5 million

·     Submissions that have been acquitted by the QRA = $3 million


Projects of note:

·     Council crews have de-mobilised all sites and are working on new jobs.

·     All other contractor site works complete with minor tidying up and de-mobilisation.


Key risks at the moment:

·     Potentially ineligible works already constructed (ongoing discussions with QRA)

·     Delays in Council making final submissions of projects for QRA acquittal

·     Diminishing QRA resourcing leads to delays in QRA acquittal of Council submissions

·     Ongoing questions from QRA regarding submissions leads to potential additional costs to Council and delays in final acquittals

·     Project management office costs incurred after 30 June 14 are not eligible, so this will be minimised


2013 NDRRA program


A current financial summary of the 2013 NDRRA programme follows.

·     Current estimated final cost (EFC) = $62.4 million (includes 2013 approved NDRRA Betterment projects that are aimed at improving asset resilience in future events)

·     2013 emergent works (paid, but not yet acquitted by QRA) = $14.7 million

·     2013 works completed to end May 2014 = $6.3 million

·     Submissions forwarded to QRA awaiting acquittal = $0

·     Submissions that have been acquitted by the QRA = $0

·     2013 Betterment projects approved = $6.4 million, Council contribution = $1.3 million (needs to be included in the 2014-15 budget)

·     Betterment projects have been resubmitted and with funding reallocated to additional projects as Lefthand Branch Road Bridge not proceeding and Black Duck Creek Road realignment changing. QRA advice on outcome pending.


Projects of note:

·     Thistlethwaite Bridge bridge piles completed, pier headstocks commenced early July 2014

·     Clarke Bridge (at Thornton) contract has been awarded and contractor design is progressing. 90% design submission expected 4 July 2014. Works forecast to commence on site late July 2014

·     Magarrigal and Willows Bridges – Currently being designed with design expected to be completed late July 2014

·     Bridges Scour Protection Package – Currently being designed, 90% design submission currently under review

·     Black Duck Creek and East Haldon Roads – Design contract awarded 6 June 2014

·     Floodways Design Package – currently being designed, which includes the Betterment floodways. Design expected to be completed late July 2014.

·     Landslips design package – currently out to tender for design, which closes 11 July 2014

·     Lefthand Branch Road – Currently being designed, construction expected to commence late-September 2014


Key risks at the moment

·     Compliance with the Fisheries Act (floodways) requires Development Application and has had time impacts.

·     Redistribution of 2013 Betterment projects in the Three Valleys requires acceptance by QRA (and Minister).

·     ‘Emergent Works’ claim reviewed by the QRA leaves work that at risk of being considered ineligible for funding.

·     All of 2013 NDRRA program may not be completed by the QRA deadline (30th June 2015) without timely approval (letter sent seeking support from QRA).




Laidley flood mitigation projects (DSDIP funding – Royalties for the Regions Programme)


·     Narda Lagoon flood levee

─      levee construction operation is well underway, with final shaping at the southern end commenced.

─      Construction of levee bank moving north towards Napier Street.

─      Deputy Premier visited site Wednesday 02 July 2014

·     Storr Street drain

─      this ‘missing link’ in the drainage system is being executed in conjunction with the Narda Lagoon levee (which is receiving the excavated fill material).

·     Laidley CBD preparatory works

─      forecast to commence within the next month or two

─      service relocations, vegetation removal, minor drainage works

─      potential levee bank construction not funded in 2014-15


Forest Hill flood mitigation


·     Qld Rail construction work at Blacks Bridge underway.

·     Discussions ongoing with the State regarding affordability and scope.

·     Discussions with potentially affected landowners underway.




·     Level 2 bridge inspection programme completed, which has highlighted structural problems with a number of bridges – likely to require load limiting and/or reparatory works at some bridges




·     Ongoing fleet maintenance and servicing

·     Awaiting delivery of Road Maintenance Unit (funded in 2013-14 budget).




·     Largely undertaking routine scheduled maintenance activities.

·     Median works at Withcott completed during June 2014.




·     Roadworks commenced at Walnut Drive Extension (Council capital works programme).

·     2011 NDRRA works by Day Labour crews finished in June 2014.

·     2013 NDRRA works packages

─         Commence at Chalkmine Road mid-July 2014

─         Commence at Black Duck Creek Road late July 2014

─         Commence at East Haldon Road mid-September 2014




Ordinary Council MEETING AGENDA

  9 JULY 2014 


15.       Items for information

No Information Items reports